0Summary0 0Objectives0 0Structure0 0Partners0 0Infrastructures0 0Associates0

Calibration and Intercomparison Workshop: Particle Counter and Mobility Size Spectrometer

From:12 November 2006, 13:00
To:21 November 2006, 19:00
Place:Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (IfT), Leizpig, Germany

The calibration and intercomparison workshop is organized in the frame of the EU-infrastructure projects EUSAAR (Networking Activity NA3) and ACCENT. The workshop has four major goals:

  • Comparison of data evaluation procedures (discussion of previously inverted raw sprectrometer data)
  • CPC calibration
  • Spectrometer audit
  • Spectrometer calibration

Lectures on aerosol particle charging and DMAs will be given during the first week of the workshop.

Workshop participants must bring their own PC / laptop, no computers are available at IfT. For instrument transport and accommodation, please contact Markus Hermann.

The temporary workshop programme can be downloaded here.

Click on the link for access to IfT.

For remaining questions or other information please contact Dr. Markus Hermann or Prof. Dr. Alfred Wiedensohler.