0Summary0 0Objectives0 0Structure0 0Partners0 0Infrastructures0 0Associates0

NA4 Aerosol Optical Depth Instrument Intercomparion
and Calibration Workshop

From: 24 September 2007, 09:00
To: 27 September 2007 (Observation period until 24 October 2007)
Place: World Radiation and Calibration Centre (WORCC), PMOD/WRC
Davos, Switzerland

The EUSAAR NA4 Aerosol Optical Depth Instrument Inter-comparison and Calibration Workshop will be conducted in cooperation with GEOMON.

The workshop consists of two parts:

1. Intercomparison of AOD instruments at EUSAAR sites (PFR and CIMEL): 24 September-26 October.
The intercomparions will include 2 days for instrument installation and testing after which the instruments will be attended by WORCC personnel until the end of the intercomparison period on 26 October (provided weather conditions have allowed for a good intercomparison data set).

2. Workshop discussion of AOD topics at EUSAAR supersites, data QC/QA, finding needs and procedures for traveling standard etc.: 26-27 September 2007.

Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday, 23 September, with the workshop starting on Monday, 24 September at 09:00.

Hotel reservations can be made through the Davos Tourist Office (www.davos.ch) which offers on-line booking at 16 hotels
(3-5 stars) in Davos-Dorf, all within walking distance to the observatory.

Participants are expected to confirm their participation to the workshop by email to Christoph Wehrli and Gerrit de Leeuw :

Christoph Wehrli
Dorfstrasse 33
7260 Davos Dorf
Tel.: +41 (0)81 417 5137
Fax: +41 (0)81 417 5100
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.pmodwrc.ch
Gerrit de Leeuw
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Erik Palmenin Aukio 1
P.O. Box 503
FI-0010 Helsinki
Tel.: +358-9-1929 5530
Mobile: +358 50 919 5458
Fax: +358 9 1929 3146
Email: [email protected]