0Summary0 0Objectives0 0Structure0 0Partners0 0Infrastructures0 0Associates0

NA4 Aethalometer-Nephelometer Intercomparison

From: 11 March 2007
To: 22 March 2007
Place: Leipzig, Germany

The objectives of the workshop are to compare/check:

  • instruments of the same type for any system errors,
  • instruments of different types for their relative system response,
  • the instruments using a "reference method",
  • the data for “loading” and “scattering” correction of absorption photometers,
  • the truncation error of nephelometers

Workshop schedule:
The instruments for the aethalometer-nephelometer intercomparison workshop are expected to arrive on March 5.

First week: checking of all instruments, flow calibration, sample spot size, ...., instrument comparison.

Second week: experiments to improve the “scattering correction”, investigation of the truncation error of nephelometers

Please note also the concurrent EUSAAR data base meeting which is organized, open to all EUSAAR partners attending the workshop. The agenda of the database meeting is as follows:

Wednesday (14/03):
Intro/general information on the data base (evt and quality control)
Nasa/Amea 1001 format and metadata description

Thursday (15/03):
Open session - creation of Nasa/Ames 1001 data files
Participants are encouraged to to bring their own computer and dataset

Friday (16/03):
Continuation of open session, if necessary

The updated workshop programme can be downloaded here.

Please contact Dr. Thomas Müller or Prof. Dr. Alfred Wiedensohler if you are interested to participate.

Important: All participants are requested to complete an Excel document containing information about participating instruments. The document is available here.

Access information:
The IFT is located at the Science Park Leipzig:
Access information is available here.
Download access map to Science Park Leipzig IFT.
Download detailed site map of IFT.

Accommodation will be arranged by IFT. Please inform Heike Scherf as soon as possible by including date of arrival and departure until February 26, 2007 the latest.

Local contact: Thomas Müller, Alfred Wiedensohler, Heike Scherf.